
New Partners!


Caitlin Carey and Emory Hagemeyer have been working with us for years. We welcome them as partners in Daguna Consulting effective April 2023!

Caitlin Carey

Emory Hagemeyer

Mussel Relocation on the Zumbro River

The Post Bulletin caught our Senior Biologist, Brett Ostby, in the Zumbro River as he relocated state-threatened mussels from a construction site.  

PB Zumbro mussel article 11-12-20.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [883.0 KB]

Co-owner Brett Ostby to be featured in the premiere episode of KSMQ's "Let's Go, Minnesota!" on June 16, 5:30 pm 

KSMQ Public Television is pleased to present: Let's Go, Minnesota!

If you love to hike, bike, paddle, climb, or anything else in the great outdoors of Minnesota, join host Brenda Piekarski as she leads a team of adventurers down rivers, up cliffs and across prairies!

Join us in supporting Earth Fest in Rochester, Minnesota. Earth Fest week is April 16-22, 2018.


Daguna Consulting is sponoring the 2015 Rochester Earth Fest -- April 18- 26


Ostby and Beaty co-authors of series on the Clinch River published in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Colleagues of the Clinch Powell Clean Rivers Initiative (CPCRI) Science Team published a series of articles on the connections between water quality, habitat and mussels in the Clinch River.  This work was the product of several years of meetings, research and writing, but by no means the end of our work to restore this globally significant natural resource. 

August 2014

Ostby co-author of USGS report on Water Quality, Sediment Characteristics, Aquatic Habitat, Geomorphology, and Mussel Population Status in the Clinch River

November 2013

Working with Conservation Fisheries Inc. to develop innovative monitoring plan for the endangered Yellowfin Madtom

September 2013

We have been collaborating with Conservation Fisheries Inc. to develop an innovative monitoring plan for the Yellowfin Madtom in the Clinch River.  This approach will utilize occupancy modeling approaches to detect changes in number of habitats occupied upstream and downstream of a permitted wastewater treatment plant outfall. 

Ostby elected Chair of the Board for the Zumbro Watershed Partnership

June 2013

Brett Ostby was elected Chair of the Board for the Zumbro Watershed Partnership (ZWP) this spring.  The ZWP is a non-profit group that works with citizens and elected officials to protected habitat, improve water quality and mitigate extreme hydrological events in the Zumbro River and its tributaries.  Check out the website

Launch of New Website and Advertising Artwork

May 2013

We have been working with Rochester Artist, Sandy Hokanson, to design a series of native mollusk and fish images to promote Daguna Consulting, LLC.

Learn about on-going and past projects

Contact Us Today!

To find out more about the services we offer and request proposals and estimates, please call 540-230-1042 or email.

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